
Dahouet is ideally located at the end of Saint Jean beach.
You will either be able to walk or swim to the beach.
You will enjoy the sea view from your lounge chair in the middle of the lush tropical garden.
This property counts the following villas: Car Frehel, Val Andre and Dahouet. They have a private tennis court.
Dahouët est idéalement située au bout de la plage de Saint Jean.
Vous pourrez soit marcher soit nager jusqu’à la plage.
Vous apprécierez le grand jardin tropical sur un transat devant la mer.
Sur cette propriété se trouve les villas Cap Fréhel, Val André et Dahouët. Elles disposent d’un cours de tennis privé.


  • Within two minutes walking distance of Saint Jean beach
  • The view
  • The garden


Google Map

Pricing and availability are subjected to change at any time.

Price: from $ 4,270In EURper week

Please note the price above does not include 10% service charge and 5% tourism tax.

Location: Saint Jean

Bedroom: 1

Bathroom: 1

Restrictions: pets unauthorized, children min age 16 years old, no smoking, Only "Avis" car rental company allowed in the villa.